UMB Sales Representatives
Regional UMB Sales Representatives are available for assistance with partner support, employer support, and HDHP/HSA education.
Please contact the UMB Sales Representative nearest your location.

Michael Bennett, HSAS®, FCS®
AVP, Business Development Officer II
Regions served: AL IA IL-Northern LA MI NE

Brad Christensen CHSA®, FCS, HSAe
VP, Sr. Business Development Officer
Regions served: AK CA CO HI KS MO-Western NV OR UT WA

Matt Clarkin CHSA®
VP, Business Development Officer
Regions served: CT DC DE MA MD ME NH NJ NY RI VT
UMB Healthcare Services Support
We have a dedicated team of professionals ready to assist you and your client’s day-to-day needs. Please contact the appropriate UMB Support number below.
UMB Service Center
The UMB Service Center is available to answer employee questions related to their HSA accounts, lost/stolen cards and debit card disputes.
M-F 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. CT
Sat. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT.
Automated account information is available 24-hours a day.